Let's Tech That For You

Kanzu Jobs is a platform that connects businesses in need of digital solutions with quality software developers.

Who Are We

Kanzu Jobs is a platform that provides top-notch quality developers who work with independent consultancies and small to medium-sized businesses.

These developers will meet the demand of the clients who have the business needs, the tech tools but do not have the capacity.

Our Purpose

To discover, develop and deploy young Africans to do more

What We Do

Our Project Development Process

Register an account

Registering an account is very easy on our website. Just go to the register page and put your email and username, and you are done. Ready to use our services with full membership.

Post your project

Post your project easily with our easy to use interface, then wait for the freelancers to submit their proposals. This way you are in total control of your offers and project as well.

Get proposals

After posting your project , you will wait for the freelancers to post their proposals. You have until the end of the project to choose the best fit for freelancer and start the work.

Get your project done

After choosing a freelancer, your work will start. You and the freelancer will be in total contact and cooperation under a secure workspace inside our site. Exchange files and messages.

Why Choose Us?

Here are a few reasons why you should choose us for your next digital project

You might go looking for a team that can code but successful digital products require more than just code – you need a technical partner who also speaks the language of business. You don’t just need code – you need a digital solution that considers where you are and where you want to go as a business. Business always has trade-offs and you need a technology partner that helps you make informed decisions every step of the way.

Creating a product requires regular, clear communication as you partner in bringing something new to life. People go silent, are only available at strange hours or struggle with communication. You might get a product but is it really what you initially set out to create? You need a communication rhythm – one that keeps you up-to-date with where you are and what to expect next.

Digital products that stand the test of time and scale well as your customer base grows need a very solid footing in things you won’t immediately see just by looking at their interfaces. Like a healthy tree needs good roots, we build following tried-and-tested tech standards that ensure you are building on a good foundation. Tests, documentation, coding standards – the good stuff under the hood that sets you up for long-term success.

There are nuances to building for the African market that come with being born, grown & located here. As a team that has consumed and worked on successful products here, there’s a lot we have to share on what ticks and what might not.

You need a partner that’s with you in this for the long-haul. We know that while there are sprints involved in building a successful digital product, it is a marathon. Let’s run the race with you and get that awesome product to work well both now & in the future.

Would you like to start a project with us?

Let’s talk about your solution.